Letter the the Editor
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Letter the the Editor

Apr 26, 2023

Damien Codognotto

Motorcycle Riders Association Australia spokesperson

On Sunday, June 4, 2023, Victoria's road deaths numbered 139 — 39 more than this time in 2022.

The road toll continues to rise and road authorities continue to blame the victims denying serious problems with their systems.

The self-titled "road safety partners" promote Victoria as a world leader in road safety but those days are half a century ago.

The road safety partners’ policies have not kept up and Victorians are being horribly injured and killed in increasing numbers.

It is certainly true that most road-registered motorcycle or scooter injuries and deaths are caused by car driver error.

And, it is true that a small improvement in car driver behaviour would mean a significant reduction in pedestrian, bicycle scooter and motorcycle rider and car passenger casualties.

But improving car driver behaviour is not the whole road safety problem in Victoria.

Taxpayer-funded road authorities must share the blame for the current awful situation on our roads.

Crash and traffic data must greatly improve and be available to stakeholders.

Start by including barrier types in all crash reports.

Flag unriders and undrivers in all crash statistics.

Make the system transparent.

Road safety is not national security.

Victoria needs more visible police on our roads.

We need road user education early in all schools with an emphasis on responsibility to other road users.

TAC must stop using our premiums for glossy media promotions and sports like bicycle races, golf tournaments and club sponsorships.

TAC should sponsor training courses for riders and drivers.

TAC should pay for discounts on protective motorcycle clothing, based on the MotoCap star rating system, rather than multimillion-dollar shock/horror media campaigns.

Shock/horror ads have limited, short-lived effect on today's road users.

Fix our dangerously neglected rural roads.

It is not all country drivers fault that the road toll is highest on their roads.

Stop installing wire rope barriers and use the money to fill in potholes.

Letter to the Editor

Damien Codognotto Motorcycle Riders Association Australia spokesperson