Donors make school greenhouse project a reality
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Donors make school greenhouse project a reality

Mar 18, 2023

Donor contributed $262,000 to Watertown-Mayer High School's Greenhouse Project. (Submitted photo)

On Monday, May 22, Watertown-Mayer schools accepted a large donation of $262,000 from the Watertown-Mayer FFA Alumni and Supporters to go towards the Watertown-Mayer Greenhouse Project.

The Watertown-Mayer FFA Alumni and Supporters is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 1996 and is an affiliate of the National FFA Alumni and Supporters. Their members are WM FFA Alumni, local community members, local business, and other supporters. Many of these members did not wear the blue jacket and is not a requirement of membership to this organization.

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